Scary movies by candlelight are fun, but what's even funner is building a blanket fort and watching from inside. This is sure to impress your loved one for the simple flight back to childhood and the unexpected fun. I'm going to team up the drink with the film theme -

This fort I constructed was on my recliner sofa. I put a sheet down on the sofa and then proceeded to build up around it with the blankets draped over things so I had a little watching nook. Since there was a table with cup holders on the right hand side inside the tent, I was able to have snacks and drinks there.
The more exciting ones are made with pillows and even twinkle lights or battery-operated candles.

There are some great movies for watching inside of blanket forts, but here's some I'd suggest if you want to do a marathon watching. Consider teaming them up with an ideal drink for you and your partner to watch the films -
"Biggies" theme: (Super-sized can Sapporo beer)
"King Kong"
"Haunted" theme: (Kahlua and cream on ice)
"The Changeling"
"The Haunting"
"The Legend of Hell House"
"80s" theme: (Bartles and James coolers)
"Prom Night"
"Terror Train"
"The Fog"
"Monsters" theme: (European beer)
"The Wolf Man"
"The Mummy"
"50s Scifi" theme: (martini)
"The Creature From the Black Lagoon"
"Forbidden Planet"
"The Thing From Another World"
"Halloween Season" theme: (pumpkin ale or spiced cider)
"Trick R Treat"
"Hocus Pocus"
"Witch" theme: (spiked punch)
"The Craft"
"Practical Magic"
"The Covenant"
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