Baby Boomers' Garage Bands: Picking Up the Instrument Again!

There comes a time in our "middle years" where we daydream about revisiting a long-ago love. It could be the girl next door who moved away in eighth grade or it could be the garage band of our teen years.

Here's some reasons why revisiting the garage band life is an excellent idea. 

Were you a songwriter? Lyricist? Guitarist? Drummer? Singer? Bassist? Sound guy? However you once participated in music, revisiting that talent is more than just recapturing youth - it's finding yourself again.

Some men have a man cave, but how about a sound-treated room recording room? Even if your goal isn't necessarily to play at local bars and honky tonks, enjoy the process of hanging with your gang in the garage or sound-treated room (your version of a man cave) and just getting back into the groove of listening, focusing, expressing, and creating.

Even if you don't get some friends together to form a band again, consider these possibilities:

Creating soundtracks that can be utilized by film projects or YouTube video channels. 

Teaching music to youths - you can put your services up on NextDoor.Com site where neighbors let other neighbors know about things like businesses, services, mentoring, etc.

Collaborating on songwriting with a fellow musician.

Writing and performing a song for the love of your life.

Karaoke competitions.

Go back over past recordings and using newer recording programs, re-edit them. 

Contact old band members, start a private group to update each other, share photos and old recordings. 

Collecting rock music memorabilia.

Attend concerts again or listen to local bands at events and pubs.
