Post by Sharon
There was a time many decades ago when being in one's 50s was winding down for old age, retirement, and inevitable death.
Today, the 50s are when life finally becomes your own!
When you were young, you were under parents rule. Your young adulthood you were owned by the boss, spouse, and children.
But, 50s, ah....the 50s!
This is a time that when children leave the nest and we are most apt to look at our romantic relationship with a critical eye. When was the last time we were intimate? Happy and laughing? Eager to do things together? Perhaps we've been single so long, we gave up, but now we want a partner in a crime to go down the bucket list with!
My process in the 50s involved admitting that I am more than machine - I am also an artist's soul. My look changed from conservative and bland to bohemian and relaxed.
This also reflected on my scheduling. I began to take time for things I love like photography, road trips, cooking, gardening and painting.
Something in me loosened and I was able to say "no" easily and often.
As you reach an age of less responsibility for others, you begin to revisit what you always dreamed of doing while you're here on Earth. All the regrets of what you never did. And pounding out book notes, starting an craft business, or traveling become higher on the list instead of in the "some day" category.
Friendships take a higher priority.
It's real common in a relationship and raising children, climbing the workforce ladder, that we make excuses, beg off, go long periods of time not talking to friends. People drift apart. And there is no fun to be had.
But, in the 50s, socializing becomes a bigger priority for mental health and for sharing with a friend things you simply wouldn't share with family or even a spouse. A friend becomes a cheerleader or a partner in crime, but the key is that in the 50s they finally have time for each other!
The financial means to travel might be stronger now compared to the child-rearing days and the desire to learn a language, taste wines, or otherwise culture oneself comes to the forefront. I had a father-in-law who never sat down to read a book but when he turned 50, I gave him a book. He realized his life had quieted down enough he could sit and get lost in another world. Soon, he built a library in his home and went through every classic he never took time to read.
For women, 50s can be hell and heaven combined with the onset of menopause and all its unexpected twists and turns, but when all is said and done, entering a new focus of life and not being quite as mired in the estrogen-heavy emotions can be a real blessing.
In my 50s, I published over 2 dozen books.
In my 50s, I grew a blog to epic proportions and began this one.
In my 50s, I took up stock trading and entered the oil and gas industry; two things I never imagined myself doing.
In my 50s I left a horrible job.
In my 50s, I traveled to new places.
In my 50s, I took up lots of new hobbies.
In my 50s, I started businesses.
In my 50s, I entered the film industry (a life-long dream).
In my 50s, I found my true love, became engaged and will be planning my wedding.
That's only a portion of what the decade has brought in just 7 years!
Do the 50s rock? They rock as much as you challenge yourself!
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