Tools of Urban Exploration

If you are just starting out or established at urban exploring (exploring and photographing abandoned sites), tools can be a real benefit to safety and to documenting these locations. Here's some of my recommends - 

waterproof to 33 feet, tough, great pics
I have one I've used for 7 years and I adore it!

for aerial views

to protect from asbestos and other airborne particles

Adding color to video or camera with this device

in case you run into critters or dangerous types

in case there are nails, tacks, and broken boards

General rules

Always have someone on watch while you photograph

Adhere to "No Trespassing" signs

Get a tetanus shot, bring a first aid kit, and protect your respiratory system from asbestos and construction dust

Take the time to utilize the existing light instead of flash if you can help it as it adds more mood

Take part of a room or a piece of wallpaper or some smaller focus so the viewer gets the feel of the room

Shift perspective from height level to down on the ground looking up, up above, looking down, from a crazy angel

Don't steal

Never do this alone
