Growing a Tea Garden

Post by Sharon

Tea gardens are fragrant and also visually beautiful. The feeling of gathering items and drying flowers and stalks to create magical brews is a very empowering thing. The antioxidants and nutrients alone are amazing, but many of these items have serious health benefits. 

This is a great sleep aid and calming, also soothing for the digestive system. Good for anxiety, insomnia, dementia and Alzheimer's. 

This is a calming herb. Sedative and good for restlessness, anxiety, and nervousness. It also boosts your mood. 

The tea made from this is great for GI problems, hayfever, rheumatoic pain, hemorrhoids, muscle spasms, inflammation, menstrual cramps, and is relaxing and thus put into a lot of sleep time teas.

This hard-hitter is just plain good for you! It's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and shows promise for cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes with its antioxidative qualities. Helps mood and memory very much. Also good at lowering blood sugar. It is also good for gut flora which means your moods and mind will work better.

Along with ginger, lavender is great for nausea, vomiting and digestive troubles.  It's great for gas, like peppermint. Helpful for pain and headaches, as well as toothaches.

Attributed with helping headaches, aiding digestion, and being antibacterial.  It helps unclog sinuses. Helps relieve menstrual cramps. Improves energy and sleep!

These gorgeous flowers used in tea are great for being an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral. It's super for your immune system. It is associated with lowering blood sugar and reducing inflammation. It's a real hard-hitter. 

This one is used for treating coughs and colds. It helps relieve cramps and reduces nausea, while helping with digestion. Great for bloating, gas and constipation. 

To grow your own tea garden in an instructive kit that also helps you learn herbalism, I suggest this one - LINK

You might like to have a dehydrator to make drying herbs much easier - LINK

As well, you should have on-hand a tea strainer - LINK

Consider putting your mixes into individual tea bags for ease of use - LINK


If you want to grow traditional black tea, green tea, and other types, you will need to live in a climate that is moist with acidic soil, over 40" rainfall a year.
