Fun Ways to Cool Down

Post by Sharon

Living in the desert, I feel especially experienced in finding ways to cool off. When I was growing up in Northern Virginia, we had no air conditioning. So, I used to do things like play in the creek or fill the wheelbarrow with water and lie back in it. As an adult, I find playful and fun, sometimes tasty ways to stay cool. Let me share some - 


No, sprinklers aren't just for kids! I use mine at night after the sun is gone because the desert sun and redheaded-skin do not get along! Our nights here can be in the 90s for the low, so I'm not chilling too much. 


Making your own popsicles is a healthy prospect. You can mix Greek yogurt with berries, pureed fruit like blackberries in watermelon juice - be creative! My favorite popsicles are adult ones - Dirty Pirate Popsicles (Coke, Kahlua and Rum) -

Ice Cream Man

If you don't have an ice cream man to pester, I suggest you hit the frozen foods aisle. Bomb pops, chocolate eclairs, individual sundaes are still for sale. And, Otter Pops - are always available. 

Slushies and Daiquiris

What a summertime dream! Make your own slushies and margaritas and daiquiris. 

Outdoor Misting System

An outdoor misting system is a dream, especially in drier climates. 

Ice Luge 

Pour your drinks down an ice luge for a little summer ice bar party!

Free Sun Porch Air Conditioning? 

Using 2-liter bottles.
