YouTube lifestyle influencers can give us windows into living in a cabin in the woods, a yurt on a beach, hiking through autumn in Vermont, or enjoying a cafe on the Italian Coast. And, as much as we may resent what they are showing us, they are not necessarily saying this is their life 24/7, but that this is how you appreciate where you are and take moments to revel in it.
Living in the moment is the best stress-reducer that is possible.
We don't all have elegant lives and lots of free time and privilege, but most of us can have houseplants, music, tasty coffee, good books, some sunshine, a garden access, and the like.
With more people working from home than ever, the key is to keep the house from being a giant reminder of work and office.
A wall of plants hanging and on a table can divide a work area off and when you're working, you can look up and see green. Or park your desk facing a window where you have birdfeeder outside.
Believe me, YouTubers are not living perfect lives. That lady in the cabin in the middle of nowhere is chopping tons of wood to stay warm enough, hand washing her dishes, warding off loneliness by filming herself. It looks enchanting, but that is the part she is showing you. It's not deceptive as much as inspirational. We have long forgotten to be in the moment or give ourselves some decadent leisure. The question for many of us is how to bring that vibe into every day, even if you only allow yourself 20 minutes to revel in the moment.
The Italians have a saying, "fare niente" which means to do nothing. They are excellent at giving themselves guilt-free permission to just loiter, relax, chat, enjoy a meal, sit and people watch.... What a lovely and brilliant people (which might also explain part of why their lives are so long-lived).
Here's some ideas for enjoying that lifestyle-in-the-moment beauty that your soul needs each day -
It was a Tuesday night. A week night. After some enchiladas for supper, we headed outside and dug a hole in the dirt and threw some logs in it. A little under-the-stars bonfire on a chilly night, some good conversation, and a cold beer. It was pampering and renewing. We didn't feel resentful the next day that we had to go back to the work-a-day world and all its issues. We felt we had not "wasted" a night in front of the computer screen or TV.
Some flower seeds to encourage birds, butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds is a simple way to create a space you enjoy. I sit on the patio and watch the crazy wild lovebirds and hummingbirds go nuts around the sunflowers and wildflowers. Just watching them makes me smile.
A little time with a lovable pet is a great way to get grounded in the moment. Toss a toy, take a walk, cuddle up, groom.... You will lower your BP and also remember there is more to life than screens and keyboards.
(wide variety from movement, senses, mindfulness, beauty, and luxury)
blowing bubbles seem to help me get in the moment and also brainstorm.
You really don't need to escape to an island, a cabin in the woods, or move to Tuscany. Being in the moment is a right you exercise each day, whether it's wearing a favorite robe and sipping coffee (without the cell phone or TV) or gardening in the backyard, tilling the earth on your hands and knees. Perhaps it's having a European coffee maker to have the best coffee shop equivalent at home. Maybe your needs are to do repetitive things like using a raquetball raquet and bouncing a ball off the side of the house.
Whatever you need to live in the moment, it brings you back to the genuine you - the one not driven by deadlines, others expectations, or media-induced hypnosis.
Thanks for sharing this moment - now go create your own lifestyle influencer places, things, or activities.
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