Our First Journal is Up on Amazon!


Groovy New Life is now offering journals on Amazon. We are creating many themes and creative ideas that continue the positive see-the-world through new eyes attitude that we're all about.

Emote Journal is out now - LINK. This one is a blast. On each page, you find a strip of emoticons. You circle how you feel that day and write about it. When the journal is completed and you're reading to move on to one of our other positive journals, you flip through it and realize the most consistent emotions you had over the past weeks. It also helps to realize that each day stands alone emotionally.

Here are some others being released in the next day or two - 

Sun Worship Journal is up now too - LINK

We have a huge variety of journals and journal workbooks coming. The themes are all about seeing yourself and the world in a new light, adventuring, being creative, tapping your childlike aspects, and always filled with gratitude and good fortune. 


We will let you know as new journals and workbooks are on Amazon
