Cape Cod
Childhood summers. No responsibility. Sleeping in. Playing in the sun and water. Looking for trouble with your friends. Experiencing first crushes. Sleepovers. Camping. Family vacations. Barbecues. Fresh watermelon....
When we were kids, we ran outdoors all daylight hours. Today, you may not know kids are on summer vacation as they are held inside locked doors and attached to video gaming units, but for those of us who were kids from the 80s and earlier (pre-computer era), we recall all the components that had us daydreaming from May first onward as the calendar clicked toward the last day of school and freedom.
It's interesting to think how each summer launched a new school year and new responsibilities. We don't get many landmarks like that as an adult except having a child and seeing your child graduate, marry, give you grandkids....
Summer vacation was that time when a kid hoped to go back to school again a little more mature. Maybe she would be wearing a training bra or maybe he would be taller. The new sweaters and fresh notebooks of fall brought promise of a new level of achievement toward adulthood.
We may have a lot of stress and responsibilities today, but there are so many components of summers of our childhood we can incorporate today for nostalgia and relaxing.
Let's list some -
Catch fireflies
Set up a tent in the yard and sleep outside
Sleep in
Call in and take the day off
Go to the public pool
Head to the beach or lake
Listen for the ice cream man and rush!
Host a slumber party
Snack pack puddings
Do a movie marathon of childhood faves
Play the music of the era
Wear cut-off shorts
Get a kiddie pool and splash
Run through the sprinklers
Enjoy popsicles
Blow bubbles
Go on a road trip to a motel with a pool
Have a family reunion
Barbecue meals
Wear Coppertone or coconut suntan lotion
Eat a fresh watermelon outside
Play flashlight tag
Make potato salad from scratch
Have an ice cream sundae
Toss a baseball with a friend
Shoot some hoops
Make popsicles
Develop a crush on someone you see often
Wear a sundress
Wear board shorts all day
Make flipflops a standard
Add hats to your wardrobe
Movies based on summer days of youth
Stand by Me
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
The Parent Trap
The Goonies
The Sandlot
Karate Kid
Breaking Away
The Endless Summer
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Now and Then
American Graffiti
Say Anything
My Girl
Dirty Dancing
Teen Beach Movie
Summer Rental
Summer hits for baby boomers and Gen X'ers -
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