Spend One Day as a Kid Again


Me and my sister sledding as adults

Sledding as kids in our front pasture.

Usually when we get a day off, we opt for the couch and channel surfing. But, what if we simply gave ourselves one day to be a kid again. You know, like in the movie "Twilight Zone" when they played kick the can? 

Here's some things children do in any given day that might bring out some remnants of blissful times.

Remember too that these could also make great gifts and stocking stuffers for kids and grandkids. Consider getting 2 and having the fun with them!

Color in a coloring book.

Shoot baskets trying to perfect that hook shot.

Play pretend - spend the day as a treasure hunter or a circus trainer with your cat.

Go sledding, snowball fighting, snow fort building, snowman creating.

Put all your childhood favorites on and eat peanut butter and jelly crackers. "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" "The Jetzons," "The Flintstones," "Jonny Quest," etc.

Eat hot cocoa and dip cookies in it.

Get some chalk and draw on your driveway.

Make italian ice with snow and syrup.

Read comic books. 

Take a nap anywhere you're sitting.

Go to the park and swing on a swing.

Try building a card house with the whole deck.

Play Monopoly

Find stories of a local treasure and set out to find it.

Draw a beautiful picture of your home and family using crayons. (What color did you wear out? I always wore down the hot apricot color)

Blow bubbles.

A spoonful of peanut butter with Hershey's syrup drizzled over it.

Sing into your hairbrush and make up the dance moves to favorite songs from your youth. 

Take a long bubble bath and create a suds beard and suds hair.

Hide and seek.

Flashlight tag.

Make something out of clay and paint it.

Put on a Halloween costume and be that character all day long.

Get a superball and go in the bathroom where you can bounce it hard. 

Try climbing the walls with hands and feet on the hallway walls.

Being a kid again is going from no activity to spastic activity. Call that interval training! Do jumping jacks, jump rope, take a nap, then do some drawing followed by racing outside to build a snowman. 

And when you can, stop and study the Christmas tree and the gifts through a child's eyes again. Squeeze the stockings along the fireplace. Shake a box. Lie down in front of the fireplace when it's crackling and take a warm nap with your pup

And, obviously, go sledding!
